中国康复研究中心附属北京博爱医院影像科创建于1986年,历经近三十年的发展,影像科现已成为影像设备先进、配置完善、诊治兼备、梯队健全的现代医学影像中心。影像科拥有各类现代大型影像设备,包括1.5T超导型双梯度磁共振1台、64排多层螺旋CT 1台、单排螺旋CT 1台、DSA 1台、数字胃肠机1台、数字摄影DR、CR、干式激光相机等共计10余台了,并于2010年建成PACS系统。影像科能全面提供数字化X线摄影、CT、MRI及介入检查治疗的服务。
Department of Radiology
The department of radiology of Beijing Boai Hospital affiliated to the China Rehabilitation Research Center(CRRC), was founded in 1986.With nearly 30 years of development,it has become a Modern medical imaging center with integration of completely digitalized equipments, medical education/teaching, and research. Currently the department is equipped with more than 10 sets of advanced apparatus, including one 1.5T superconducting dual-gradient Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI), one 64-slice Spiral Computerized Tomography (CT) , one single-slice spiral CT, one Digital subtraction angiography(DSA), one digital gastrointestinal machine ,digital photography DR, CR and dry laser cameras. PACS system was built in 2010. The department can offer a comprehensive service with digitized X-ray radiography, CT, MRI, and Interventional examination and treatment.
In response to the requirements of the Ministry of Health, Department of Radiology, combined with the actual situation of the hospital, been able to achieve most of the inspection items of radiology. Patients can get emergency reports within 30 minutes, outpatient reports within one hour, inpatient reports within 24 hours.